Education and E-Learning

Education and e-learning app development solutions

Nowadays, education is not to a limited extent but ensuring the globally connected ecosystem. The students are now not within the two cover pages of a book but exploring Google with each different term. Meeting the students’ requirements and giving them a global platform is possible with developing digital applications. The mobile applications for the education sector are increasing the students’ scopes and brightening the future.


With the mobile e-learning apps, the school and universities can provide a widening view of learning. Our educational app developers are developing the latest mobile apps with all the trending technologies such as AR and VR, and making the students’ education system simple. Now the students need not mug things up but just exploring a story within the app.


The education mobile app development is also diving into seamless connectivity with the world and syncing everything for instance, the internet of things. Now your child does not need to copy and paste even! But everything would be synced if inclined with the latest technologies.


At Hyperbeans, we develop Education and e-learning solutions with boundless connectivity. Our solutions provide better access to educational resources and create convenience and flexibility for learners and the educational institute. Our solutions are developed with cutting-edge technologies and come with an intuitive user interface that expedites learning.

Education & elearning

Service We Offer

E-Learning App Development

We combine our expertise with strong mobile app development 10+ years of experience to deliver user-centric mobile learning apps that enable students to gain knowledge wherever and whenever they want. eLearning mobile app development enabling on-demand education through video streaming, audio learning, and other features. At HyperBeans, our app allows scheduling lectures, assignments, and much more with robust performance, student privacy, and engaging UI.

Learning Management Systems

As an eLearning software development company, we are aware of the main challenges posed by online education and we take full advantage of our web portal development competence to offer the best solutions. We create easy-to-use, interoperable e-learning portals that serve the corporate, education, non-profit, government, and non-government sectors' critical business needs. Learning Management Systems for colleges and universities to deploy and track online training activities.

Custom LMS Solutions

Custom Learning Management Software Development We bring our more than 10+ years of eLearning experience to design and offer a customized learning management solution for your employees, partners, or clients. With high-profile eLearning experts on board, we are here to assist you at any stage of the software development life cycle. Our development team delivers custom LMS development, integration, and implementation for academic establishments ranging from public K-12 to university-level.

App Integration with CRM

The right LMS, when running parallel with your CRM, has the potential to transform engagement within the extended enterprise, boosting your savings, revenue, and learner empowerment. The potential for integrated analytics to drive learner performance is hugely promising with this integration. The key for improving sales, with eCommerce- CRM LMS integration is to achieve to engage the right customers at the right time with the need to access the same data set.

Why Hyperbeans

Education & elearning

Optimizing your sales

Information generated by CRM LMS integration can give you data related to sales results for your business and allow you to define your targets on business requirements and user needs. With integrating LMS CRM provider, you can also come up with information based on marketing campaigns. It also speeds up your payment process on the same techniques adopted by payment gateways.

Education & elearning

Excellent data analytics

Educators can track learner’s progress and can track their participation and performance. Integration with CRM and LMS makes it simpler to analyze course registration and completion process, abandonment and engagement patterns, performance, and program evaluation ratings. You can access data availability and market status of certain programs and offer course as per the demand in the market.

Education & elearning

Improved learner experience

Customers always prefer appropriate programs and pricing in online learning platforms. For instance, members and customers tend to get certification applications, certificate programs also discount on courses. With CRM and LMS integration, users benefit from a social learning experience.

Education & elearning

Time-saving Integration

By joining hands with the learning management solution CRM provider like HyperBeans, you can eradicate the redundancy of data and the need for manual updates. Learners can auto-enrol or assign to certain programs. New learners or members can be automatically enrolled in an on boarding program.

Education & elearning

Interactive & Engaging

We are known for developing addictive web and mobile apps, and education industry is no exception for us. To overcome the boredom and complexity of using a technically-advanced education platform among students and corporate learners, we build simple yet collaborating and appealing apps that help them to connect with the system and enjoy the benefits of online learning.

Education & elearning

Collaborative learning

For a group learning experience, we incorporate tools and technologies that let the learners interact with their peers or other students taking the same course at the same time and discuss problem-solving, also embedding a live tutor feature.

Our key offerings

Education & elearning

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer technology that utilizes Virtual Reality headsets or multi-projected environments, sometimes in conjunction with props or physical environments, to create realistic sounds, images, and other sensations.

Education & elearning

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. This, also, includes real-world sensory input like video, graphics, or sound.

Education & elearning

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is referred to the intelligence displayed by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. It is revolutionizing the whole eLearning experience due to the many advantages it has to offer.

Education & elearning

Big Data

In terms of the eLearning industry, is the data that is generated by learners. For instance, if an employee is interacting with a training module based around company policies, their progress, social sharing, assessment results, and other.

Key Offerings

Our app developers are fully conversant with the coding standards and rigorously follow interface guidelines to the core. Our app developers are competent to build & deploy apps that excel in functional design, code performance, scalability, security. We also offer an engaging user experience.

Education & elearning

ELearning Mobile Apps

Education & elearning

School/Collage Web Solutions

Education & elearning

Learning Management Solutions

Education & elearning

Custom Software Solutions

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